Project Leadership for a
Global SampleManager
LIMS™ and
SAP Implementation
Case Study Request
A large multinational chemical company had acquired a business unit from another company, and needed to align those additional manufacturing sites with their existing systems. The client had eight global locations involved in this project, of which several were part of the acquired business unit.
The project involved implementing a new version of SampleManager LIMS™ across those sites. They also needed to improve their LIMS functionality by integrating with their manufacturing execution system (MES) and with two separate instances of SAP.
The client staffed consultants from several companies to help with the SampleManager and MES implementations. When projects are this large and complex, it’s not uncommon for them to fall behind schedule without the proper project management and leadership. Unfortunately, this project was headed down that path. CSols, Inc. had worked with this client during the initial phase of the project and presented the idea of, and a CSols consultant as, a project leader to get things back on track.
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“Thank you for all the hard work to get this done!! You communicated clearly and concisely via email and kept the project moving; it all went extremely smoothly. The project was completed ahead of schedule and on budget, so can’t ask for any better outcome. You did a great job.”

Solid waste disposal company, LIMS upgrades, LabWare
“This is the dream team. I wish I could work with you on all my projects. Thank you for the wonderful work!”

Cleaning products manufacturer, Configuration, STARLIMS
First, I wanted to let you know that we were very impressed with our time with you last week. We thought the process was good and believe the As-Is and To-Be diagrams appropriately reflect our current and future environment.

Specialty chemicals company, OCM for LIMS implementation, LabVantage