Webinar Recording Request
Spreadsheets are not a Database! Benefits to using a LIMS for Biobanking
As the capability and need for researchers to collect large volumes of samples has grown, biobanking has become a critical research practice. Obtaining and storing these samples is just the beginning; documenting sample location, history, usage, storage conditions, chain of custody, associated study and research data, and more, in a way that is safe, consistent, and usable is presents a major challenge to the modern laboratory.
Many labs turn to familiar spreadsheet programs to track biobanking data, but a robust LIMS offers many benefits and decreases the odds of data disaster.
In one hour, learn the advantages of implementing a Laboratory Information Management System to manage your biobank, decrease errors, and increase efficiency and data integrity.
Join our LIMS biobanking expert as she explores the challenges and value of managing your biobank via a dedicated LIMS.