Webinar Recording Request
Considerations When
Upgrading LabVantage LIMS
Over the years, LabVantage’s market sensitivity and product maturity have allowed it to respond to client needs as it expands its capabilities with its latest LIMS release, LabVantage 8. If you have an older LabVantage LIMS version and are considering upgrading, there are a few things you should consider.
In one hour, join our LabVantage implementation expert from CSols as they discuss how ideas from successful, live systems have been integrated into the LabVantage product offering. Learn how older systems with customized solutions can leverage these enhancements during migrations. Finally, learn about new features that managers and admins of older versions need to be aware of that affect customizations during upgrades.
Key Takeaways:
- Why it is crucial to review custom functionality vs. the Release Notes
- Licensed modules and how they allow rapid OOTB deployment of tailored solutions
- How Departmental Security allows data segregation without redevelopment
- Understand how key modules have been improved and what this means to you

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