Webinar Recording Request
Managing Change – Ensuring Lab Informatics Solution Adoption
System Adoption means that the end-user community has fully embraced the lab informatics system and has discontinued use of their legacy applications. It is System Adoption, not system go-live, that is the true measure of project success.
No matter whether you are implementing a multi-lab, multi-national or a single lab informatics solution you will need to implement a change management process to ensure the adoption of your new system. This change management process needs to be defined and initiated early on in the implementation life cycle.
In this one hour webinar, learn how to develop and execute the appropriate change management process to ensure successful adoption of your lab informatics solution.
Key Takeaways:
- Identify the critical components of your laboratory informatics change management process
- Learn how to scale the change management effort to the scope of your deployment
- Understanding the difficulties inherent in cross-cultural deployments