Webinar Recording Request
SAP and LIMS - Living Together (in Harmony)
After extensive research, piloting and soul searching you have concluded that SAP QM cannot, on its own, support the business needs of your labs. You have decided that it is necessary to supplement SAP with a lab informatics system such as a LIMS. Now that you will have two systems you will need to define what information should flow between the systems and which system should be the master of what data. In short you will need to architect your integration approach. How do you decide on the best integration approach for your enterprise?
In this one hour webinar, we will identify the critical characteristics of the information flow that will help define your integration approach and review a number of different scenarios that have proven effective for a variety of organizations. So set aside an hour of your time and learn the key considerations for architecting an integration approach that will ensure that SAP and LIMS will live together in harmony.