Webinar Record Request
What does Computer Software Assurance mean for my Lab Informatics Systems?
The world of Computer System Validation (CSV) has had several big headlines over the last decade. Part 11 celebrated its 20th birthday. Cloud-based and hosted systems opened up the world of remote access and virtual laboratories while shrinking our server rooms. Data integrity reinforced the importance of ALCOA and knowing where our data are at all times. And now, it seems like headlines are saying CSV is going away – to be replaced with Computer Software Assurance (CSA). Is it an actual headline or “fake news?” Where is this latest headline taking us, and how will it impact our laboratory informatics systems when we’ve come this far?
In one hour, learn what Computer Software Assurance is and what’s in store for the future of CSV. Find out what you can do now to prepare for any changes and to understand their impact on your current processes and procedures.
Key Takeaways:
- Discover what is driving the movement to CSA
- Learn the differences between CSV and CSA, and the similarities
- Understand how CSA will impact your informatics systems and “validation” processes
- Critical success factors for preparing for CSA